This is my first ever blog. So why now and will anyone read it? Well, the reason is simple. I feel the need to share my recent experiences with others, and for reasons which will become obvious, don't want to do so with all my friends. As time goes by, if I get a response, then I might also open up on some other issues too. Lets see.
A few basic facts. I am 65 years old, own a medium sized and succesful business and married to a much younger, very talented and pretty lady. I have recently completed a second home which is right on a tropical beach and where we have planned to spend half our time in future, leaving the business to run under the local manager. Pretty lucky guy? Well I thought I was until a week or so ago.
What happened? I went to see my doctor because I was suffering a persistant cough and one of my knees was playing up a little. I am not a smoker but have been diagnosed with some arthritus, not too bad or surprising at 65. I mentioned in passing that I was also experiencing a little lower back pain, which I regarded as simply a consequence of getting older. However the doctor examined me and sent me for a blood test "just as a pre-caution". He told me that they would be checking my PSA levels and that he would only call me if they showed any abnormaility. I had never heard of PSA so did some research. It seems it is an indicator of prostate problems. I had an enlarged prostate a few years ago, which required me to undergo a TURPS, a small operation which reduces it's size and this was really successful.
I had the blood test and really did not worry until the doctor called to inform that my PSA showed up at 20. The normal at my age is around 4. A PSA of 20 indicates a possible prostate cancer. The problems with prostate cancer become more serious if and when it spreads to the bones. My doctor referred me BECAUSE of something wrong with my spine. So I started to really worry.
I was referred to a consultant who examined me, using a "DRE" (don't ask, but it is both painful and not very dignified) and he told me that he thinks I have a tumour. Now I must have a biopsy to confirm this and if I do to determine what stage I am at. This may then be followed by bone scans before the course of treatment is decided, along with a prognosis to inform me what my future might be. I could be 100% clear (unlikely) or I might only have a short time (also unlikely). The most likely result is something in between but where is totally unknown right now.
Am I worried? Of course I am and so are those close to me, but its going to be a couple of weeks before I know anymore. My biospy is scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Feb and it will no doubt be a week or more later before I get the results.
In the meantime a word to all of you who have little aches and pains and don't do anything about them. Until a couple of weeks ago I was self righteously proclaiming that I was in fantastic shape for my age. I ignored my aching back and my night time loo visits, putting them down to just being 65. My lovely wife and new beach house beckoned. Maybe they still do, but please don't you ignore any warning signs. Go get checked as early as possible. We Brits don't like to be a "bother", but its' folly.
I will update this as things progress and chat through whatever happens.
Monday, 25 January 2010
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